La Pietá
Directed by: Victor Vauban Junior
Genre / Type of Show: Staged Reading / Drama Familiar
Language: English
Duration: 90 Minutes
Audience type: +21
Yvette Quintero
Isabel Bertelsen Hočevar
Christian Miranda
Joe Castinado
“Hispanic Harlem 1990’s. Two preteen brothers Pablo (Christian Miranda) and Daniel (Joe Castindo) are separated after their parents’ divorce. The older brother is taken by his father Luis to live in South America, where his father dies fighting in the Civil War. The brothers lose touch. Twenty-two years later, older brother Daniel, now a religious man, finds the means to return to America and reconnect with his long-lost family. To his sorrow, his mother (Yvette Quintero) has died and his beloved brother (Isabel Bertelsen Hočevar) is now a transgender woman. The man doesn’t understand the new America and finds himself in another war trying to revive the relationship with his dear brother.”
The play, “La Pietá”, is an attempt to start an honest conversation about the true nature of human beings, appearances and how we look and feel towards each other in these convoluted days in which we live. We are continually falling into social traps and we don’t know how to get out. Traps established by society based on preconceived notions of how we should relate to each other; A society that is constantly influencing and dictating our lifestyles and culture. At the center of this new social drama, Mr. Vauban introduces the Montenegro family and their conflicts to illustrate how commotion and chaos quickly escalate when we as people have trouble understanding each other. “As a playwright, I seek to take our audience on a journey of reflection and introspection on how we have been acculturated to see each other,” says Vauban, “a meditation on the nature of crimes perpetrated against minority communities.” and our involvement (or lack of involvement) in criminalization processes.”
May 9, 2023