A preview Workshop of: El Oratorio Panhispánico

Directed by:

Music Director/Composer: Alejandro Zuleta; Director: Daniel Irizarry; Director of Photography: Leonardo Zelig; Associate Creative Director: Cristina María Castro.

Genre / Type of Show: Music Workshop

Language: Spanish

Duration: 60 Minutes

Audience type: All age


Experience a preview workshop of a world-premiere oratorio by Alejandro Zuleta “El Oratorio Panhispánico”. This new composition tells the Passion of Christ through the lens of Hispanic immigrants. Zuleta composed this piece entirely in Spanish through the poetic form of “décimas”, and his music utilizes a mix of contemporary classical sound and Latin American musical genres such as Zamba Argentina, Huapango Mexicano, and Currulao Colombiano, to name a few. This interactive workshop will involve 14 singers and 10 instrumentalists who will collaborate on a section of this oratorio. A short Q&A and reception to follow. We hope you can join us for a peek into the process!

About the Company / directxr or directxrs:*

Music at Co-Cath is the acclaimed music ministry program of The Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. Our mission is to create multicultural, awe-inspiring experiences for a kinder, more generous world.



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