Visuals y fotos: Heidi Ramírez Espinoza y Nur Ache
Música: Miguel Zamora
Efectos de sonido: Maguet Dieng y Miguel Zamora
Construcción de escenografía: Lluís Àngles Marimón
Producción ejecutiva: Cia. No es país para negras.
Producción: Lara Renard, Chechu García y Karel Mena
Construcción de utilería y cartelería: Enrik Huguet
Colaboración: La Sala Fénix y La Bonne (residencias
artísticas en 2019)
“BLACKFACE y otras vergüenzas” is the second one woman spectacle produced by “No es país para negras” Company. The Company’s name refers to the title of the first show by playwright, director and actor Silvia Albert Sopale, “No es país para negras”. Blackface dwells on white folks who paint their faces black to caricature black folks. A practice believed to have originated in nineteenth century “minstrel” shows in the United States originally harks back to “Siglo de Oro” Spain (Spanish Golden Age, 1492-1700), where black characters were initially mocked . . .This critique of the “official history” of Afro descendants in Spain, enables the public to experience how that history conditions Spanish society’s perception of blackness.
About the Company:
No es pais para negras is a Spanish Theater Company which has staged two plays.
Regarding the director
Silvia Albert Sopale is a Spanish Afro-descendant actress, writer, and cultural organizer. Born and raised in San Sebastián, she lives in Barcelona and performs in English, Spanish and Catalán. She is a founding member of Hibiscus Asociacion de Afroespañolas y afrodescendientes and of Tinta Negra, and a member of t.i.c.t.a.c (workshop for critical transfeminist, antiracist, combative interventions). She is also a co-founder of Periferia Cimarronas (Barcelona).