Directed by Carole Alexis Genre / Type of Show: Dance Language: English / French Duration: 01:30:00 Audience type: General audience Artists/Features: Company members: Isodale Alexis Carmina Ballesteros Alison Bartels Rosella Dunkerley Corey Mangum Irene Przywara Zahra Touijer Santiago Vargas Synopsis: Carole Alexis Ballet Theatre / Ballet des Amériques return to Teatro LATEA for their […]
Directed by Carole Alexis Genre / Type of Show: Dance Language: English / French Duration: 01:30:00 Audience type: General audience Artists/Features: Company members: Isodale Alexis Carmina Ballesteros Alison Bartels Rosella Dunkerley Corey Mangum Irene Przywara Zahra Touijer Santiago Vargas Synopsis: Carole Alexis Ballet Theatre / Ballet des Amériques return to Teatro LATEA for their […]